Scottish Passivhaus equivalent consultation

This Stage 1 consultation on determining the principles for a Scottish equivalent to the Passivhaus standard consists of 30 questions in total. Below we outline the NINE most important questions that we would like all CAB members to respond to as a minimum, with our recommended responses.

In short, we support a Passivhaus approach for all new builds in Scotland (domestic and non-domestic) but are concerned that the approach as outlined in the consultation could have unintended consequences.

How this is implemented will be critical. This will be the subject of the Stage 2 consultation in summer 2025, when we will have to look very closely at the detail of the implications for U-values, airtightness, etc.

If you have less than 10 minutes, you can respond simply “Yes” or “No” to the nine questions below. If you have more time, the consultation asks for your reasoning behind your responses. Please find below some bullet points to consider in each case. These need to be expressed in your own words, as “copy and paste” responses will likely be ignored. You can save your response and come back later if you cannot do it all in one go.

Please find the background papers from the Scottish Government here.

This consultation closes on 23 October 2024. The consultation itself can be found here.