CAB has named its new CEO as Phil Slinger who will join the Association in March 2021.
Phil brings a wealth of experience to CAB with his previous role as a senior director of one of the largest and most well respected Association Management companies in the UK, with responsibility for over 35 trade associations, professional societies and charities. Having also held senior leadership roles within a range of high profile UK and international focused membership organisations, professional bodies and trade associations in the Construction, Manufacturing DIY, Retail and Healthcare sectors, the CAB Board are delighted to confirm his appointment.
CAB President, Mo Panam, who headed the search for a new CEO with CAB Board support, said, “Phil has a strong trade association background including working with and for membership bodies in the UK Construction Sector and European Hardware & DIY Markets.
“It was Phil’s enthusiasm, focus and experience in trade associations that secured him his appointment and we are all looking forward to working with him.”
On his appointment, Phil said: “I’m thrilled to be named as the new CEO and eager to continue the advancement of the business strategy and developing additional services for CAB members.
“I look forward to meeting with our diverse membership, to learn more about each member and discover what we can do to support their businesses, alongside promoting aluminium within the construction industry.”
Phil joins a staff of four at the CAB offices in Stonehouse and despite the pandemic, it is business as usual and staff are on hand at the offices and working remotely to answer any aluminium fenestration related questions.