The CAB ‘Journey to Net Zero’ is designed to help members with their drive to ‘net zero’.
Your customers will exert pressure to understand where you are on your net zero journey. They probably are already.
How will you establish your carbon footprinting benchmark and prove your ongoing improvement?
We are working in partnership with environmental consultants who have developed a carbon accounting process to provide accurate greenhouse gas inventories and emissions reduction advice, using international standards and protocols.
We understand the link between “carbon” and “costs”. At this time of high inflation, our advice is aimed at cost reduction opportunities as well as carbon accounting. The goal is for the process to be at least cost neutral for members.
Scope of Scheme:
The following three processes are designed for fabricators/installers:
- Organisational carbon footprinting snapshot – the “now”
- Carbon reduction planning – the “strategy”
- Annual greenhouse gas inventory – the “evidence”
The following two processes are designed for system house companies and product manufacturing organisations:
- LCA’s – Lifecycle Assessments
- EPD’s – Environmental Product Declarations
Further information may be found in the below New Zero Knowledge presentation slides, titled “What is Net Zero?” these are split into three video files:
“What is Net Zero?” – Video 1
“What is Net Zero?” – Video 2
“What is Net Zero?” – Video 3

The CAB Closed Loop Recycling scheme is fully embedded into the Net Zero journey for CAB members, allowing for waste scrap metal to be recycled in an environmentally sustainable way, for more information on CLR click on the following logo link: