In addition to CAB rolling out the Journey to Net Zero with CAB initiative for our members, CAB as an organisation is also on the journey, a case of “do what we’re doing”, rather than “do what we say”.
To ensure that we’re setting an exemplar model within our Association we have embarked upon the Journey to Net Zero, having our GHG emissions counted and offset as we set upon our way to that magical number of Net Zero.
CAB have enlisted the expert assistance of Blue Marble our trusted environmental management consultants, who have executed carbon accounting for CAB’s UK business operations, to provide a highly accurate greenhouse gas inventory calculation. Their team of trusted experts work according only to the highest international standards and protocols and are assisting CAB in this process.

To show CAB’s commitment to carbon reduction and the current climate crisis, CAB present the following quality assurance documents:
Policies and Procedures:
- QA-POL-060 – ESG Policy
- QA-POL-061 – Net Zero Policy
- QA-POL-062 – Carbon Reduction Policy
- QA-POL-063 – Supplier Code of Conduct Policy
System Forms / Documents:
- QA-FRM-068 – Carbon Neutral Statement
- QA-FRM-070 – GHG Summary
- QA-FRM-071 – Carbon Neutral Certificate
- QA-FRM-072 – Certificate of Retirement

GHG Inventory Report, GHG Summary and Carbon Neutral certificate have all been prepared and issued by Blue Marble, the Certificate of Retirement, for offsetting our emissions have been issued by Verra on behalf of Blue Marble and may be viewed on the Verra Public Registry online at:
Clearly, we haven’t yet achieved Net Zero, as we have some work to do to achieve that over the coming years, we have however made pledges, commitments and plans.
For further details please refer to QA-FRM-068 – Carbon Neutral Statement, via the above document list for more details to support our status of:
Carbon neutral organisation for the reporting period.
CAB are following the Oxford Offsetting Principles protocol to Net Zero.
The reporting period for accounting GHG emissions is the past historic year, rather than a future estimation, therefore at time of writing our GHG Inventory refers to calendar year 2022.
Our GHG Inventory will be calculated each year going forward to carefully monitor CAB’s progress towards the ultimate goal of achieving Net Zero in 2045.
We hope that CAB member companies can see the environmental and ethical benefits of this and join CAB on their Journey to Net Zero.

Contact CAB for further information at