2024 Webinars

Please find below recordings of 2024 webinars and slides where available.

Accelerating Material Reuse in Construction

14 May 2024

NB Please fast forward the video to 14:42 and it finishes at 1:10:50.


The Role of Construction Products in Building Safety

16 May 2024

How much scrap sorting is required for a circular low carbon economy?

23 May 2024

Get ready for CBAM!

30 May 2024

NB Video ends at 01:09:18

The Role of STS 202 in Burglar Resistance Testing & Certification for CERTISECURE Approval

6 June 2024

Please note: the video recording and slides from this webinar are for your personal use and not for downloading or onward transmission or wider distribution. Thank you.

NB video ends at 1:08:00