True Software – Net Zero Projects Analysis


The CAB ‘Journey to Net Zero’ is designed to help members with their drive to a more sustainable future. In support of our Members Journey to net zero, CAB have partnered with Open Energy Market utilising their ground-breaking software True. A software solution, combining your procurement costs and sustainability projects in one platform.

By factoring in your current energy costs, anticipated commodity prices, and projected third-party charges, True enables CAB members to evaluate sustainability projects with heightened accuracy. As your procurement data evolves, so do your net zero strategies. They automatically adjust to stay on the most efficient path towards your goals, ensuring your sustainability efforts are always informed, up-to-date, and effective.

The journey to net zero could seem daunting, we’re looking to demystify the process and approach, by offering CAB member companies an opportunity to access this innovative software platform.

Current legislative information and discount schemes available to companies on their net zero journey:

ESOS – Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme

A compulsory energy audit for large businesses. Requires the assessment of energy use in buildings, industrial processes, and transport, identifying cost-effective energy-saving opportunities.

Deadlines for ESOS are every four years. Phase 3 of the scheme involved companies submitting their ESOS report in 2023.

EII – Energy Intensive Industries Scheme

Renewables Obligation (RO), Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) and Contracts for Difference (CfD) are all green taxes on electricity built into the unit rate, known as ‘pass-through charges’.

The EII scheme provides up to 85% discount on these pass-through charges.

There are around 70 activities across manufacturing processes eligible for this scheme.

SECR – Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

Requires participants to report accurate energy consumption and carbon emissions data and be audit-ready.

Businesses should implement an energy reduction plan, set targets and monitor performance.

Mandatory for large undertakings with one of the following criteria: 250+ employees, annual turnover of £36m+, an annual balance sheet of £18m+

Min-Met – Mineralogical-Metallurgical CCL Exemption

A Climate Change Levy (CCL) Exemption was introduced by the government to help businesses that provide any mineral or metal processes, compete with countries with lower energy costs and less green taxation.

Offers a 100% discount on the CCL, for the energy used in certain processes. The discount is applied to monthly energy invoices.

Allows eligible processes to recover CCL charges paid, going back 4 years. This scheme can deliver an immediate cash boost to a business.

CCA – Climate Change Agreement

A CCA is a voluntary agreement between businesses and the Environment Agency.

The agreement outlines energy reduction targets, aimed at reducing carbon emissions and non-renewable energy consumption.

In return participating organisations receive a discount of up to 90% on the Climate Change Levy (CCL). The discount is applied directly to energy bills and is deducted from your CCL charges.

For more information, please feel free to contact the CAB office. Please contact